Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ancient Urbanization and Diffusion of City Life

Before cities, people lived in agriculture where the whole population focused on subsistence agriculture to get by. Two components were required in order for cities to form: agricultural surplus and social stratification. This allowed some of the labor force to focus on pursuits other than agriculture. The first urban revolution occurred independently in five separate hearths, Mesopotamia, Nile River Valley, Indus River Valley, Huang He River Valley, and Mesoamerica in this order.

Urbanization diffused to form other major urban areas. Ancient Greek created a global impact that diffused to the Roman Empire which in turn, diffused throughout Western Europe. Though the Roman Empire fell, Western Europe was then able to diffuse city life through colonialism and capitalism.

The second urban revolution followed the second agricultural revolution. It began in Great Britain to the European mainland. Due the industrialization, transportation changed significantly, and the majority of the world's people live in cities today.

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