Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Everything Else

Annexation is the process of legally adding land to a larger area (often a city or country). During World War II, land was conquered by force but the process is still considered annexation.

A hinterland is the hexagonal area of a central place's trade area based on Walter Christaller. He laid the groundwork for the central place theory with a set of assumptions that the land is flat and uniform with even distribution. The central place theory explains how and where central places such as towns and cities in the urban hierarchy should be functionally and spatially distributed with respect to one another.

Social area analysis is an analysis of urban areas with people of similar social qualities such as living standards, ethnic background, and life-style. It influences the kinds of jobs that can be found in each urban area.

World cities are cities that function at the global scale. They reach over state borders and serve as service centers of the world economy. New York, London, and Tokyo are a few examples of world cities. There are 10 Alpha, 20 Beta, and 35 Gamma world cities.

Primate cities, as defined by Mark Jefferson, are a country's leading city. It is characterized by being disproportionally large,most economically influential, and exceptionally expressive of the country's culture. Often, the primate city is the capital of the country. London and Paris are some primate cities.

Urban morphology is the layout of a city, its physical form and structure. It is related to cultural landscape.

Rank-size Rule is the idea that the population of the city/town will be inversely proportional to its rank in the urban hierarchy.

The Griffin-Ford model is a less known city model used to portray a Latin American city. The CBD extends from the center to an edge, the model has both rings and sectors.

Louis Wirth proposed that a city is a permanent settlement that is large in size, high in density, and greater in social heterogeneity due to large size and high density.

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